Email address "export" function not available.
Want to transfer the email addressbook from an old XP computer to the newly bought computer with windows 7.Used IE6, Export function was not available.Then downloaded and installed IE8, the email address "Export" function is still not available.After clicking "File", it does have two words "Import" & "Export" - but with lighter color, means not available. When click on them - nothing happens, because not available.Can anyone help out on this tough problem? Thanks.
August 10th, 2010 8:09pm

Migrating Messages inAccounts from Outlook Express Teching It Easy: With Windows |ActiveWin |Notebooks | Microsoft MVP
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August 10th, 2010 8:15pm

Are you using Outlook Express? If so the you need to export from withing Outlook Express.Outlook Express Backup informationOutlook Express Tips, Tricks and Secrets for Backup and Restore: MS KB: How to back up and to restore Outlook Express data: to Change the Default Location of the Mail and the News Folders: Outlook Express (backup and Restore): be afraid to ask. This forum has some of the best people in the world available to help.
August 10th, 2010 8:16pm

Which is the email client on the Windows XP machine and which is the email client you will be using on the new Windows 7 machine?Please provide more information on the application so that we can assist you better.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 12th, 2010 7:14pm

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